Our Vision
To be the leading institute of executive training that contributes to value creation in business and society.
Our mission
Our mission is to deliver skills and knowledge that significantly increase our course participants on the job productivity, thereby enhancing their contributions to the goals of their organization. We judge our success by the extent to which our delegates / participants perceive that CDTFA has made a significant difference in their organization’s performance.
- To provide high impact training that adds direct value to individuals and organizations.
- To provide innovative programmes which are globally benchmarked to adequately empower participants to meet their individual and organizational challenges.
- To impact knowledge through ground-breaking research and wealth of expertise gained from global experience.
CDTFA is a non-political, none-government self-financing international training, whose principal activities are training, consulting, and research and management development. The institution is registered and incorporated in Swaziland under the business registration act for Incorporated Companies act of 1912 (section 7) and article 323 of law no. 07 of Rwanda Development Board Kigali.
The institution’s registration and license is renewed yearly in compliance with articles and memorandum of association as a regulatory mechanism.
Capacity Development Training for Africa was established to address the increasing huge gaps within the public and private sector human resources skills sets, competences and expertise required to move organizations to the next level.
CDTFA strongly believes that quality and executive training provides working professionals with innovative potential to positively transform their lives, their organization and their communities.
The institute strives to deliver exceptional and high impact learning experience with outstanding competences, expertise and skills to compete in the global economic.
CDTFA offers short executive courses that are specially designed and developed to add decisive value to organizations in terms of relevance and applicability to the market.
Our Core Values
- Professionalism
- To achieve a progressive public and private sector.
- Internationally competitive quality post-experience training programmes.
- Locally sensitize outreach and studies for clients.
- Provision of impartial consultancy and technical assistance to organizations and government.
- Conducting results-oriented research and studies for clients.
- Arranging professional visits and study tours to places of learning.